Melt Hart

"If you're less than perfect, best to keep it secret."
  • Gender: Male (He/Him)
  • Age: 22
  • Species: Human
  • Birthday May 12th
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Occupation: Idol
  • Affiliation: Gi (Belonging)
  • Home:Nimbasa City, Lilycove City, Nozama

A born performer Melt has become a well known celebrity around both Hoenn and Unova (and even Sinnoh, to a lesser degree). After being gifted a Fennekin by his mother Melt would begin to participate in Pokemon Contests at a young age, often at the behest of both his parents. Though he would not make a name for himself until much later. At around the age of 15 Melt would begin using both a different name (the one he goes by regularly now) and a different appearance when he performed in a somewhat desperate attempt to separate his personal life from his celebrity life. This was not so much for himself, but because he believed it would make his parents realize when to start being parents again instead of just being his managers. It never ended up working. Instead, two years later, Melt took on being an idol on top of a coordinator only skyrocketing his fame further and causing his parents to become more engrossed in their "work".

Over the years Melt would begin to grow disillusioned with the entertainment industry. Though he could not deny he loved performing, he loved contests, and he loved the attention... he found himself wondering why he was doing it all. Was it really because he enjoyed it, or was it because his parents had manipulated him into believing he enjoyed it? Yet despite this the thought of abandoning the industry was unthinkable. He really wasn't built for anything else and although their relationship was strained, he still desired to make his parents proud and their dreams come true. Jealousy, betrayal, two-faced words, and so much more darkened the industry Melt found himself entrenched in making him second guess often if he could even survive it. Surely all he had to do was reach perfection. If he could do that he'd be strong and untouchable and surely become well loved by not just his parents but the world itself. Right?

Whether his arrival on Nozama was fortunate or unfortunate no one could say. On one hand arriving via plane crash while heading to Unova wasn't ideal, but on the other the island provided an opportunity for a new beginning... a chance to start over and, maybe, really figure out who "Melt" actually is. Did he even want that? To start over? Well it's not like he was given much of a choice considering he literally couldn't leave if he tried. His only choices were to crumble or rise up, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let THIS be the end of him. Still with his Fennekin having been fused with another species of pokemon upon arriving on the island it was a sign that things here were going to be FAR from simple.


Likely because he relied mostly on himself growing up Melt is very self-reliant. He trusts himself above anyone else to get things done and do it right, so it's not unusual for him to make decisive decisions and be proactive. At the same time he's no stranger to working with many different people, with just as many different personalities and temperments, so he's become adaptable to different situations and how to handle them. When he comes into contact with an especially unusual situation however, one he's never encountered before, he can hesitant and be uncertain how to proceed without the correct knowledge. Even so he's very self disciplined and will not crumble under pressure or stressful situations. If anything these are where he shines best and will rise to the challenge if given cause to do so.

If Melt picked one thing up from his mother it's the need for perfection. He's hardest on himself more than anyone else and worries that imperfection on his end may have dire consequences. At the same time Melt is not very honest with himself or others. He often tells people what they want to hear so long as it makes him look good, and he always tries to act in the most "accepted" way possible. He finds his real personality to be unlikable as he knows he can be very tempermental and difficult to get along with. Not having a particularly safe space to express his emotions has led him to bottling them up most of the time or expressing them in private. Even so he still has quite a bit of resentment towards his parents and others that he's never addressed...

Positive Traits:

  • Adaptable
  • Disciplined
  • Perceptive
  • Proactive

Negative Traits::

  • Perfectionist
  • Dishonest
  • Resentful
  • Tempermental

Neutral Traits::

  • Extroverted
  • Ambitious
  • Competitive

Melt's Timeline


Early Childhood

  • Melt is born to two former stars in Nimbasa City, Unova. His mother was a coordinator who never managed to make it big despite her efforts and desires. On the other hand his father was a VERY well known actor who easily could have become a household name... had a devestating scandal not cut his career short years earlier.
  • At about the age of 4 Melt and his parents move to Lilycove City, Hoenn. One year later when Melt is 5 he is gifted his first pokemon, a Fennekin, by his mother. He names this Pokemon Soleil, and she will be his closest companion for a long while to come.
  • At around the same age Melt's parents begin to encourage him to become an entertainer of some kind. They start by giving him a violin which he is made to practice often. It isn't until around the age of 7 that he is entered into unofficial pokemon contests.
  • At age 10 Melt debuts as a Pokemon Coordinator in his first official pokemon contest. While he does not win he does exceptionally well, ranking 4th, and from this point on enters contests regularly.

Teenage Years

  • Melt's popularity steadily begins to rise and as he enters more contests he becomes more skilled in them. Even though he was young Melt began to realize that his growing fame was having an effect on his personal life so, at around age 15, he takes on a new name and look in an attempt to separate the two. It would only work for a short time before he would eventually start going by "Melt Hart" in his personal life too.
  • At age 16 Melt's parents decide that he can only grow so much staying solely in the contest sphere, so they convince him to branch out and become a multi talent. He starts working to debut as an Idol and manages to do so at the age of 17. Thanks to his popularity as a Pokemon Coordinator the debut goes well and, as his parents predicted, he only becomes more popular.
  • Melt's idol work leads him into other avenues of entertainment as well and he becomes particularly attached to acting. While reluctant in the beginning Melt does find joy in the work he does, but as he sees more of the dark and stressful sides of the entertainment industry, conflict within himself begins to grow as well. First and foremost of this dark side is the envy he experiences from his peers who often attempt to spread nasty rumors in an attempt to discredit each other.

Young Adult Years

Start of Story
  • With Melt's popularity not slowing down (despite the attempts of some envious people) he begins to collab more with other well known people. One of these collabs is with Christoph and Nancy of Unovan fame, so Melt is set to return to Unova for the first time since he was a child. He decides to travel via private jet, mostly to get a break from his parents, which would prove to be an unfortunate decision.
  • For one reason or another the pilot of the jet has no choice but to fly into an ill timed fog that rolls in. This fog is no ordinary occurance, however, and it's not long before the plane's technology begins to malfunction. With the jet being turned into little more than a fancy glider they end up crash landing on a strange island leaving Melt mildly injured, but otherwise strangely okay.
  • The island proves its strangeness very quickly. Soleil, Melt's Fennekin, has now been fused with a Rockruff though seems okay otherwise... and every other pokemon they encounter seems to also be a fusion of some kind. He finds the survivor's camp before long where he gets updated on the basics of what's going on, but most prominent amongst the information is the inability to leave the island once stranded. Though not as distressed as one might think Melt still has yet to decide what landing on Nozama means for him. Is it a disaster that destroyed his life as he knew it, or the chance for a new beginning?


  • Favorite Color: Pink
  • Favorite Food: Fried Rice
  • Favorite Flower: Hibiscus
  • Favorite Berry: Pecha
  • Favorite Dessert: Castella Cake
  • Favorite Weather: Sunny
  • Favorite Season: Spring
  • Favorite Types: Fire, Fairy


  • Anything to do with music
  • Sweets/baked goods
  • Tough competitions
  • Fireworks
  • Pokemon contests
  • Making poffins
  • Other entertainment-based activities (acting, modeling, ect)


  • Negative gossip
  • Puns
  • Early mornings
  • Rejection
  • Being touched without permission/warning
  • Losing
  • Being vulnerable


  • Melt will almost never have his full body facing someone when he's talking to them. He'll almost always be turned to the side, even if slightly, though that doesn't mean the won't make eye contact. The exception to this is when his emotions are out of control or heightened.
  • Even when it doesn't look like it Melt is ALWAYS aware of any nearby people. He pays attention to every person, who they are, and where they are in a given area. He is not this way with pokemon.
  • Because the persona he's crafted as a performer is so different from how he naturally is all his habits will completely change if he is inhabiting that persona.


  • Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Pan
  • Best Friend(s): Vivian Nightshade
  • Love Interest: None
  • Introver/Extrovert: Extrovert
  • Mentor(s): None
  • Enemies: Team Fang
  • Allies: Most Survivors (probably)

Melt's Relationships

Vivian Nightshade: Melt would not meet Vivian until after arriving on the island of Nozama. While he would never admit it, and perhaps doesn't even realize it, the two are very similar in one aspect; they're both seen as different from "regular" people and often outcasted as such. At the same time Vivian's eccentricities, which make her an outcast, are the very reason Melt has an easier time getting along with her. Because she is different, and sees the world in a way Melt has never heard of before, he knows that she's most likely to treat him the same as everyone else. While his reservations around relationships are not completely gone around her, he feels more comfortable with her than he does most people. That said their relationship is undeniable platonic and neither has any romantic attraction to the other.

Mother: Although Melt's relationship with both his parents is strained, he was always closest to his mother out of the two. While she would constantly push him (often past his limits) and was his biggest critic, she was also the most vocal in bragging about him and showed affection whenever he would make her proud in some way. There's no doubt the relationship was transactional on her end, even if she never realized it, but when Melt did things "correct" her praise and pride made him feel good. It gave him the desire to continue pushing and rising higher in popularity. Melt isn't stupid, though, he knows the way she acted wasn't right or normal... but at the same time she and his dad are the only parents he'll ever get. Surely if he achieves her dream for her, she'll recognize her mistakes and become the mother she's supposed to be, right?

Father: Unlike his mother Melt's father took a far more distanced approach to him. Whether it was from some deep seeded jealousy, a fear of some kind, or something else entirely Melt couldn't say. Regardless he has few memories of his father being... well, a parent. Even when Melt would try to initiate conversations his father would never reciprocate in a meaningful way (unless, of course, it was about his career). As such Melt naturally started to drift away from him. The complete apathy Melt's father felt toward him often times felt even worse than his mother's shallow actions.



  • Decide on the path he himself wants to follow without the influence of others
  • Use fame to become well loved and well liked
  • Compete in (and win) every Contest Grand Festival in every region


  • Collect as many ribbons (contest or otherwise) as possible
  • Have his mom come to her senses and act like a mother
  • Find someone he can truly consider a life long friend and/or love interest

To some degree Melt struggles to balance wanting to be independant and take control of his life with also wanting acceptance and love from other people. He wants to make his choices for himself so he can be proud of them, yet also wants these choices to be seen positively. If he can't get that acceptance and love from his parents or peers then maybe he can get it through fans instead.

Extrinsic Motivation:

  • Praise from others when succeeding
  • Attention and a form of "love"
  • Fame and the ability to be remembered by many people for a long time

Intrinsic Motivation:

  • Pride associated with his accomplishments
  • Reasurance in competency and skill when things go right
  • Feeling as though he matters to other people

Melt is often not even aware of the intrinsic reasons he does things and frequently pays more attention to the extrinsic motivations. This is often why it's so difficult for him to break away from the toxic mindset of needing to be perfect; he risks losing everything if he fails. Or what he perseves as everything anyway.


  • While he lies often not all of them are for personal gain. Frequently he'll say things that he wishes were true
  • He's been guilty of spreading malicious or false rumors, though almost never does so on purpose.


  • Disappointing people and driving them away because of it
  • Public embarrassment
  • Never being truly loved and accepted

Melt's Pokemon

  • First Pokemon: Fenneruff
  • Main Pokemon: Braixenroc
  • Secondary Pokemon: Kirlett
  • Mega Pokemon: Lopboot, Miraiwick
  • Ride Pokemon: None
  • Delta Pokemon: Marill, Eevee
  • Shiny Pokemon: Zoruquil, Kirlett
  • Befriended Pokemon: None

Pokemon Owned (Synthos Canon):

Braixen/Lycanroc Kirlia/Ducklett Florges/Pheromosa H.Zorua/Hatenna Lopunny/Raboot Swablu/Cottonee

Wooloo/Hatenna Deerling/Vulpix Feebas/Amaura Bug Eevee H.Zorua/Cyndaquil Litwick/Miraidon

Psychic Marill


  • Voice Claim: Yuyu Hirose (Idolish7 Haruka)
  • Animal Symbol: Ram
  • Gem Symbol: Topaz
  • Horoscope: Taurus
  • Color Theme: Orange, Blue, Pink
  • Flower Symbol: Amaryllis
  • Theme Song: Idol by YAOSOBI
  • Pokeball: Loveball

» "Melt Hart" is actually a stage name and not his birth name. However, he prefers this name and at this point no one calls him by his birth name anymore, not even his parents. He grew a strong attachment to the name because it's something he chose for himself and the name itself holds a lot of his hopes. Outside of canon I just liked the name Melt and thought Hart fit with it lol

» Most idols are expected to be talented in more than just singing and dancing and Melt is no exception. Aside from that and pokemon coordinating, he's also talented in acting and modeling. His parents actually expected him to be a musician originally so he's able to play the violin, but is out of practice. As a consequence though he's not particularly skilled in many other areas...

» He used to be a VERY picky eater but has since had to deal with foods he dislikes after being stuck on an island with not many luxuries. Despite this he still can't stand most legumes (peanutes are an exception) in particular and would rather starve.

» Because of his voice range Melt is very good at doing voice impressions. He can mimic a lot of different and well known voices, and can sometimes mimic certain Pokémon cries.

» He really enjoys dramas. It's fun to see the crazy twists and lengths they'll go to, but he doesn't like when they're too predictable or follow too many tropes badly...

» Sweet, angelic, and polite! Or at least that's what he wants you to think. In reality he's not quite that virtuous and is absolutely the type who will give you the sweetest smile while insulting you or being extremely sarcastic.

» Symbolism meanings: Ram's symbolize "the power to penetrate, overcome, and achieve". Amaryllis symbolizes "pride, strength and determination". Topaz symbolizes "love and affection".

Image Gallery

Below are a bunch of different art pieces featuring Melt! Consider visiting his toyhouse to find the proper credits because my dumbass doesn't know how to code the images to give the credit when hovered over lol.


Anything Else

The purpose of this section is to add anything that might not fit into any of the others. This can include things like playlists, interview questions, or information gotten from other people (such as headcanons or whatever else). Basically whatever I feel like lol
